Monday 21 January 2013

The saddest day of the year....


Far From What I Once Was But Not Yet What Im Going To Be

Today is supposed to be the saddest day of the year, according to an arbitrary intersection of all things sad...neglected New Years resolutions, low light levels, the realisation that the holidays are over, the fact that it's a Monday.  I'm not taking the British psychologists word on it though.  I'm declaring it a day for planning.  A chance to step back, and evaluate all of the projects that are wrapping up, new ones that are starting, and my future plans.

Pinned Image

What are you looking forward to this winter?  I'm planning on an adventure to the lake for some skating soon, or sneaking across the road to the park on the flooded baseball field for some moonlight skating and perhaps a flask of something hot and delicious?

It's cold today, but chin up! Rosy cheeks!  We've been spoiled so far this winter being so calm and mild so I'll just leave you with these winter images and I'll be sure to have a cosy night a home maybe making a pot of homemade soup.



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